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MSA-Santa Ana Groundbreaking Ceremony

Elected officials took a day off from their busy schedules and joined in the exciting groundbreaking that marked the beginning of the future MSA-Santa Ana site. Read more...

The transformation has begun; excavators are breaking ground on the future Magnolia Science Academy-Santa Ana site. Elected officials, MPS Board Members, MSA and MPS staff, as well as students and parents joined in the ceremony which marked the beginning of the future MSA-Santa Ana site.


The future Principal of MSA Santa-Ana, Laura Schlottman was ecstatic to be on the grounds that will soon become the foundation that students will learn on. Laura in all of her excitement spoke on the journey life takes you on and the passions that you build as you go. Laura brought along a senior student, Geremy R. Carrera from MSA-Santa Ana's current site to speak on his experience at MSA-Santa Ana. 


As the event progressed, our very own MPS board member and keynote speaker, Dr. Remzi Oten spoke and highlighted the importance of the STEM focus in our schools. MPS CEO and Superintendent, Dr. Caprice Young echoed the words of Dr. Oten and stressed the importance STEM brings to the table and how "our secret sauce" sets us apart from other charter management organizations.


Aside from having our own MPS family speak on this marvelous occasion, we cannot forget about the Elected officials that took time out of their day to join in this accomplishment. Orange County Supervisor, Andrew Do reiterated the value of STEM schools and how it introduces students to innovative careers. 


There you have it MPS family, Santa Ana's current bare and empty lot will soon become a state of the art facility for students to grow and become the voices and minds of the next generation.


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