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MPS' Academic Leadership Symposium

On Tuesday, November 17, the MPS academic and leadership teams attended a retreat hosted by Casey Reason, PhD. Casey is an expert in “next-level leadership” and bases his methods on brain science and adult learning theory. Read more...

On Tuesday, November 17, the MPS academic and leadership teams attended a retreat hosted by Casey Reason, PhD. Casey is an expert in “next-level leadership” and bases his methods on brain science and adult learning theory.
Casey engaged the team with collaborative activities that showcased strong leadership strategies, as well as innovative techniques for overcoming resistance to change and creating a positive school culture. Our MPS principals have already begun to apply the strategies learned and have described the experience as “eye-opening,” as well as “providing a different perspective on what it means to be a leader.” The MPS academic and leadership teams thank our Chief Academic Officer, Michelle Crumpton, for connecting us with this dynamic speaker.

We hope to continue providing our wonderful team with opportunities to network and connect with brilliant minds.

To see pictures of the event, click here.