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News and Announcements

Immigration Rights FAQ & Resources

February 28, 2017



Dear Students, Parents and Members of the Magnolia Community,


Magnolia Public Schools has one overarching goal: to educate our students and prepare them to thrive in college and the life they choose. It’s universally acknowledged, though, that if students don’t feel safe, they can’t learn. I want you to know that our students and our families are safe at our schools.


Magnolia embraces the diverse tapestry of people who comprise our community. Our students, families and teachers – all of us are unique and should be proud of our cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds. Magnolia’s strength lies in our differences.


Let me be clear: Magnolia will remain steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that our schools are safe places from any effort to deny civil or human rights. In light of recent immigration developments, we know that many of our families are fearful. On a daily basis we are seeing, hearing and experiencing news and changes that are leading to confusion and apprehension. We want to be a source of stability and security to our students and families in these uneasy times.


Magnolia’s leaders are working hard to create opportunities where we can provide our families with information and resources to help address your concerns or questions about any changes to immigration policies. Please know that Magnolia Public Schools will never ask about or collect information related to the immigration status of students and families. We will always protect our students’ privacy rights.


It’s important that we stay connected as a family. Together we are stronger. As always, our door is open to you. We encourage you to reach out to school leaders if you have any questions or concerns. We stand by you and will do anything in our power to be helpful to our families.


Remember, education conquers ignorance and we are working together to build the next generation of leaders and socially responsible global citizens. Working together, we will continue to serve as an example of what is truly best about our community and country.


With unlimited hope!




Dr. Caprice Young

Chief Executive Officer

Magnolia understands that there are many questions regarding immigration and our commitment to protect students from discrimination and harassment. We hope that the following will answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

Q: What impact does undocumented immigration status have on my child’s education?

A: None. The United States Supreme Court has interpreted the 14th Amendment of the Constitution to provide a right of equal access to education to children regardless of their immigration status or their parents’ immigration status.

Q: Does Magnolia Public Schools ask for a child’s immigration status when he or she enrolls?

A: No. Because of a child’s right to equal access to education, Magnolia enrolls students regardless of their immigration status or any other protected classification.

Q: Would Magnolia ever share its students’ immigration status with federal immigration officials?

A: Magnolia protects its students’ privacy rights to the greatest extent allowed by law.  Because Magnolia does not ask for students’ immigration status when they enroll, staff should not be aware of students’ immigration status, nor are they permitted to share any private student information.

Q: What does Magnolia do to ensure that no student or family is discriminated against or harassed because of their race, ethnicity, religion, national origin or other protected classification?

A: Magnolia believes deeply in ensuring equity and in providing safe learning environments. Magnolia enforces its policies that mandate no discrimination or harassment for our students, families, or employees on the base of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin and any other protected classification. Magnolia also has procedures in place to address any alleged violation of these non-discrimination policies.

Q: What should I do if I feel like I have been the victim of discrimination or harassment?

A: Please report the behavior immediately to a supervisor or school leader. Complaints and concerns can be filed using the Uniform Complaint Procedures. We take these complaints very seriously to assure that our schools continue to provide equitable education and safe spaces for learning.

 Q: What about if I am a DACA recipient?

A: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is based on an order by the president. While a number of organizations and individuals are working to encourage the President and legislators to preserve the current policy, the new administration could choose to rescind the order. If you are a recipient of DACA, consider reaching out to an immigration attorney now to determine if you have access to a better form of immigration status.

Q: What should I do if I want to understand my immigration rights?

A: Only immigration attorneys can provide you with accurate advice about immigration status and how you can pursue any legal rights you might have. For your own protection, please do not seek the advice of notaries or others who are not licensed immigration attorneys. A list of available resources can be found below. Also, you can seek an immigration attorney from the American Immigration Lawyers Association here.

Other Resources May Include:


For help finding legal assistance:

For information about DACA:

To connect with a youth organization who supports immigrant rights:

For information about how to protect yourself from fraud:

For information about your rights and immigration enforcement: