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Traci Lewin appointed to the CDE focus group for the 2021 Revision of the Mathematics Framework!

We are excited to announce that our very own Traci Lewin, Director of Math Programs will represent Magnolia Public Schools at the State level as she has been selected for the Southern California - Baldwin Park focus group by the CA Department of Education.

The CA Department of Education (CDE), Instructional Quality Commission, and State Board of Education are commencing the revision process for the 2021 Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Credentialed teachers; school, district, and county administrators; college and university personnel representing academic departments and schools of education; and representatives of citizen groups or educational organizations were encouraged to apply.

We are excited to announce that our very own Traci Lewin, Director of Math Programs will represent Magnolia Public Schools at the State level as she has been selected for the Southern California - Baldwin Park focus group by the CA Department of Education.

The CDE will hold four in-person focus groups with 8-12 participants per group. The purpose of these focus groups is to help provide guidance on the recommended guidelines for the 2021 Mathematics Framework revision. The Baldwin Park focus group is scheduled for Monday, August 26th and will be open to the public. Comments made by focus group members and members of the public at each meeting will be forwarded to the Instructional Quality Commission and the State Board of Education for consideration.

Congratulations on your appointment Mrs. Lewin!