
Magnolia Public Schools aims to engage underserved students in high poverty areas through scholarship, personalization and community involvement. Historically, minority groups have not been exposed to opportunities to pursue careers in STEAM fields. This is reflected in underrepresentation in these areas, hence creating educational equity and access to careers in these fields. Recent research suggests that a significant cause of these low numbers is that the students from these ethnic backgrounds have inadequate exposure to intensive STEAM curricula.[1]  Magnolia Science Academies are an indispensable addition to the communities they serve because thier education programs aim to[2]:

  • Educate independent life-long scholars with critical thinking skills.
  • Provide personalized learning opportunities through flexible scheduling and early identification of learning styles, personalities, interests, and career plans.
  • Increase students’ interest in pursuing careers in STEAM areas by offering an innovative and engaging instructional design.
  • Provide a challenging and rigorous common core state standards-based curriculum designed to improve students’ critical thinking skills through hands-on, inquiry-based activities.
  • Provide quality core instruction, including humanities and social sciences, that improves students’ reading & writing skills and attitudes thereby increasing their chances of success in higher education and beyond.
  • Provide intensive enrichment programs for both high and low achieving students.
  • Improve students’ academic skills, especially of those who are performing below grade level, by providing a comprehensive tutoring program.
  • Improve students’ organizational and study skills by offering a life-skills course.
  • Empower students to become self-motivated, competent, and lifelong learners.
  • Create a supportive and caring environment involving all stakeholders and through community partnerships, and strong student-parent-teacher communication.
  • Reduce dropout rates by providing academic and social support in a safe school environment.
  • Teach students to think objectively and critically, and be socially responsible.

[1] Z. Zacharia and A. C. Barton, "Urban middle-school students' attitudes toward a defined science," Science Education, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 197-222, Mar. 2004.

[2] See Education Code Section 47601(a-c), (e)