Outstanding Achievement Gains at Magnolia Public Schools - Five schools post impressive gains of over 50 points in API Magnolia Public Schools (MPS) reports outstanding gains in 2012 Academic Performance Index (API) scores for its 12 schools, with an average increase of 27 points, outpacing average district gains where the schools are located. MPS serves over 3,600 students at 12 school sites throughout California. Eight out of twelve MPS schools have API scores exceeding the state goal of 800, with six schools above 840. Five MPS schools gained over 50 points in the last school year. Other MPS API performance highlights include: - Our two flagship schools — Magnolia Science Academy-1 and Magnolia Science Academy-San Diego — have improved their API scores steadily over the years, from 634 to 805 and 732 to 864, respectively.
- Magnolia Science Academy-5 in Hollywood, improved its API score to 843 gaining 57 points. (80% of the student population is socioeconomically disadvantaged)
- Magnolia Science Academy-7 in Reseda, in its second year, has improved its API score to 906, gaining 51 points making it one of the best performing schools in the San Fernando Valley. (78% of its student population is socioeconomically disadvantaged.)
- Magnolia Science Academy-8 in Bell, in its third year, has achieved an API of 713, gaining 63 points over its second-year score. MSA-8 was approved through the Public School Choice Resolution, which was adopted by LAUSD to improve school performance and increase student achievement through innovative, efficient and rigorous school plans that increase student achievement in underperforming neighborhoods. (97% of the student population at MSA-8 is socioeconomically disadvantaged; 64% are English Language Learners.)